Monday 31 October 2011

Random shots : Hatsune Miku Lat type A (Cosplay)

This series of random shots is done specially for the upcoming Hatsune Miku : Mikupa Sapporo at GV and Mikupa Singapore at AFA. Here it is, showcasing Shia as Hatsune Miku Lat type A in her winter costume ! The red scarf was crocheted by me and I must say, the process has been very fun ! I'm looking forward to doing more such projects in the future.

Please enjoy the following set of photos !

Thank you for viewing !

Thursday 6 October 2011

Cosplay props : Legend of the Sun Knight (LSK) Leaf's bow and Lone Moon's whip

Just a couple of months back I did a cosplay with my wife and fellow friends from the Taiwan novel/manga "Legend of the Sun Knight (吾名騎士). Seeing there's weapons to be made, I came onboard and did the whip for my character Lone Moon (孤月) and my wife's character Leaf's (綠葉) bow.

Applying what I have learned doing doll props I managed to produce the following results. I guess technically I can replicate the bow into a doll size...

Lone Moon (孤月) whip

Leaf (綠葉) bow

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Random shots : A new addition !

Here I am back with another random shots series, what we have here today is a shot of Shia with the new addition to the crew, Michael (ミカエル). He is a Luts Minimi Zuzu Delf Chu, his profile will be up shortly !

Thank you for viewing !

Monday 26 September 2011

Random shots : Girls with guns !

Another random shot, this was taken at a doll meet I attended a couple of weeks ago. On the right is Shaiya, the sniper, which belongs to my good friend, Mori.M. On the left is Shika, my tiny, whose weapon of choice is the MG.

Thursday 1 September 2011

Commission work : BRS katana (Kaito ver)

A commission work for a Singapore doll owner, this prop is modeled after the popular Black Rock Shooter series. However it is not for the usual female character but for the male Kaito variant instead.

Possibly the 1st SD-sized prop I have ever created and having no SD of my own to gauge and measure, a lot of it is done purely on numbers alone. Now... would this give me a perfect excuse to get a SD doll ? Haha.

As this is a commission work, I will not touch much on the WIP process.

Please enjoy the following gallery !

A little WIP section here

The katana (in pieces)
The katana and scabbard before painting
Thank you for viewing !
Feedback and comments welcomed.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Project : Original Variant - Raising Heart Force Halberd form (Further WIP+Mistake)

Everybody has their fair share of hit or miss, in this post I will be showing a mistake I made and how I improvise the prop on the mistake. I will also be touching a bit on how I glue the base shape together.

Here we go !

A simple enough process, I personally find sticking pieces of gunpla strips together is one of the harder things to do. While other mistakes could be easily rectify via sanding or using compound putty to cover over, the mistake of sticking gunpla strips pressured unevenly together and causing it to wrap sideways is almost impossible to recover from. After experimenting with various ways to maintain constant pressure during the process, the above picture is my way of doing it. I'm not sure if it is documented anywhere but hey, if it works I'm going to keep using it till I come across a better way.

The result of oversanding, I had to cut off the entire section and redo the tip. Mistake made but recoverable. One needs to be flexible and creative in recovering from mistakes rather than redoing the entire project and usually there are ways to do so.

A close up shot of the repaired blade tip compared against a traditional shaped katana tip. My tips are usually shaped in the temper patterns of yakitsume or o-maru as they are the easiest ones to reproduce.

A shot of Shia holding the WIP halberd. Not a great shot but demonstrates the prop potential in poses. 

Thank you for viewing !

Monday 18 July 2011

Photoshoot : View from the other side (Follow-up post)

A follow up post to the weapons shoot, this set of photos is taken by my wife using her Lumix LX3. While I was preparing for the shoot, she went around taking various snapshots.

Thank you for viewing !

New banner !

After the previous photoshoot, a new banner has been made from one of the photos from that day...

And here it is !

Sunday 10 July 2011

Photoshoot : A showcase of weapons (and much more)

I have long wanted to do a photoshoot to showcase all my props but have put it off due to various reasons. After the creation of my latest prop and requests from fellow owners, I have decided to get off my butt and do this series of shots.

The weather didn't favor me and I am unable to take all of what I had planned in mind before the skies pours down.

Without much ado, please enjoy the following series of pictures !

The only all prop shot I managed to get
The following pictures are for the Force Series weapons.

Close-ups of Shia and her awfully hard to take metallic eyes

Lastly, an omake.

This is what happened when you dropped your DSLR to catch your doll
Thank you for viewing and feel free to leave any comments and feedback.

Friday 1 July 2011

Project : Original Variant - Raising Heart Force Halberd form (Completed)

The follow-up to the WIP post, this is the gallery post that I showcase the completed prop. In addition, I also did a few shots with the Raising Heart Force Blade form that I have previously posted before. Please enjoy the following series of photos.

Thank you for viewing !

Thursday 23 June 2011

Project : Original Variant - Raising Heart Force Halberd form (WIP)

The completed halberd

Here I am back again with another original variant of the Nanoha series. This time I'm challenging a new kind of weapon, namely the halberd.

Crafting a polearm kind of weapon has always been a problem for me, the selection of a shaft sturdy enough to withstand handling as well as being light and slender to be wielded by a MSD. Various issues of weight balance also comes into play such as the joining of the weapon head (in this instance, it is a blade) to the shaft is just an example of what I faced.

This also marks the first project that I complete the airbrushing by myself without guidance from my mentor. I felt pretty intimidated at first but overall it has been a wonderful experience and I must say I have fallen in love with airbrushing.

I have also taken more of my WIP process, so feel free to leave any comments and questions behind and I will try my best to answer them.

The base blade
Closeup of the blade tip
Finished base design with details
Finished base design with details (Sorry for the blurriness)
Finished design with base coat
Finished design with base coat
The full prop before painting
Thank you for viewing !