Sunday 10 July 2011

Photoshoot : A showcase of weapons (and much more)

I have long wanted to do a photoshoot to showcase all my props but have put it off due to various reasons. After the creation of my latest prop and requests from fellow owners, I have decided to get off my butt and do this series of shots.

The weather didn't favor me and I am unable to take all of what I had planned in mind before the skies pours down.

Without much ado, please enjoy the following series of pictures !

The only all prop shot I managed to get
The following pictures are for the Force Series weapons.

Close-ups of Shia and her awfully hard to take metallic eyes

Lastly, an omake.

This is what happened when you dropped your DSLR to catch your doll
Thank you for viewing and feel free to leave any comments and feedback.

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