Tuesday 31 May 2011

Project : Whip

This could possibly be the fastest project I have ever done, taking only 2 hours from conceptualization to completion. The project was born to complement a set of clothes that I have gotten for Shia. It has a slightly punk-ish feel to it and what better weapon in mind than a whip ?

The project was over so fast that I didn't really have time to do some Work-In-Progress pictures. It was really fun as I experimented with making a rubberized grip instead of the usual painted ones. I would probably open this for commissions for interested parties, just drop me a comment.

Here is a gallery of shots for the following prop.

Thank you for viewing !

Monday 23 May 2011

Random shots : A little girl and her toy house

This is a new section that I'm starting to catalog the random and unplanned shots I do with my dolls. Fun, spontaneous and random are the theme for this particular series of photos.

Here we will be introducing the tiny of the family, Shika (紫霞), with her toy house. Onwards to the photos !

Thank you for viewing !

Monday 16 May 2011

Previous works : The material of choice (gunpla sheet)

In my last post I talked about my earliest works made from epoxy putty. It was fun but unsuitable for me, I have to find something else to work with. I considered various kinds of materials such as wood, acrylic and plastic. It is purely by chance that I happened upon this certain kind of plastic known commonly in model kit circles as "gunpla sheet".

Gunpla sheet
Gunpla sheet, in the simplest words, is a portmanteau of "Gundam plastic". The very material that the popular Gundam model kits are made from, available in single sheets of various thickness starting from 0.3mm all the way up to 3mm. At least those are the thickness my regular hobby shop stocks.

Here we have my very first project made from gunpla sheet, a pair of twin blades. It is through this pair that I finally started on my journey towards serious prop making. My mentor, Sam, is an accomplished master of gunpla kits and his guidance is very much welcomed, however harsh it may be sometimes. It is also due to his influence that I constantly strive towards creating an ever better prop.

Not very long after, the buster sword project was born.

Monday 9 May 2011

Previous works : Foray into the world of prop making (epoxy putty)

For the past few posts, I have been putting up pictures of my better works but let me assure you this did not happened overnight. In fact, it took me no less than a year and a half to achieve what I have now. It is most fortunate that I have met with a good mentor and having friends who are also into the same hobby of prop making.

Epoxy Putty
My earliest days of prop making started with epoxy putty. Both mori.m and CX, another of my prop making friend, are very good with it. So I decided to start off with that since I can seek advice from them. Turns out that it wasn't very suitable for me as I'm pretty clumsy with my fingers. I can barely make out something presentable that can be called a sword, if anything at all.

The very first prop ever made

I need to mention at the time where I made the sword, my first doll, Shia, is not here yet. Although I have taken reference of a real doll, it is actually pretty hard to craft something when you don't own or have it yet. I have no idea why but the sense is not there. Maybe it's just me but something is just missing during the crafting process.

Here is the next and final weapon project I did with epoxy putty. It was meant to be a sort of heavy spear but I guess it turned out into something else, haha. I did moved on to creating other items with epoxy putty but as far as weapons go, this is possibly the last piece I would have made.

For I found my material of choice, the gunpla sheet.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Minor revamp to the doll profiles !

I have done a slight revamp to the doll profiles website by separating the English and Japanese information for easier reading. The respective profiles have also been updated with their doll mold and birth date.

Check here for the update !

Tuesday 3 May 2011

More pages added !

After exploring more of blogger.com, I have put up a simple page for the dolls that me and my wife, Evon currently own. The page is in its infancy and more details will be added to their profile over time.

Click here to see their profiles !

Monday 2 May 2011

Photoshoot : A new beginning

I am no photographer myself, not now and definitely not 4 years ago when my very first doll, Shia, arrives. This set of photos was taken 4 years ago at Chjimes, a very nice spot in the heart of town. The other doll, Niji (虹), belongs to my wife Evon. She does doll hats and accessories and you can view her works here. She is also available for custom commission hats should you desire one for your resin kids.

Thank you for viewing !