Wednesday 27 June 2012

Paintjob : Horns / Random shots : Devilish sisters

Just some time back, I bought some resin unicorn horns off a local seller in my area. When they arrived, I was pleasantly surprised to find them smaller than imagined. Breaking out my airbrush, I coloured them and "converted" them into a pair of horns for my smallest girl, Shika.

This is how the horns looked like before they were painted.

Above are 2 pictures of the painted horns. I painted the pair of smaller ones completely black and did some light reddish shading on the longer one. Turned out it's not that obvious in photos.

Sadly by the time the painting was complete, my airbrush needle was discovered to be damaged when I was cleaning it and now need repairs. A most unfortunate turn of events.

Meanwhile, enjoy this series of random shots which I named "The devilish sisters".

On an unrelated note, this is how Shia's wig looks like now from the back.

I tied up her wig into a ponytail which technically damaged the wig as the fiber is now fixed into a permanent styling.

I welcome feedback and comments and thank you once again for viewing !

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