Monday 19 March 2012

Random shots : A demonic fight

A random shoot that was born out of Sunday boredom, I was trying to achieve a fight scene of Shia vs a bigger opponent and her standing over its corpse. That is probably too difficult for my level now so I try to do the next thing. The aftermath of a fight with a defeated demon limp sliced off.

The entire scene was created with a portion from Shia's arsenal of swords and a cosplay prop that was on loan from a friend.

The fight scene, probably not the best combination of colours. I'll probably need to get a black background for this kind of scene.

2 closeup shots, trying out the side glance angle kind of shots. Doesn't look like I managed to do it very well, haha.

I probably will redo this shoot with more preparation, props and a proper background.
Thank you for viewing !

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