Thursday 13 June 2013

Project : Magic Tome

A couple of months back I attended a mini overseas doll event at a neighboring country, there I collected a number of books (or you can call them "Magic Tomes") that a local crafter made and it really opened my mind to doing other props besides the weaponry related stuff.

After returning from the event, I went on to do some research online on actual bookmaking methods and came up with the following project.

Here we have from left to right, the original commissioned work, the first prototype followed by an improved version. Somehow I am still unable to recreate the feel that the original carry.

This is how the book look on the inside. Right now it is still full of blank pages as I have not thought out what "content" I want the book to have. Mind you, the original has pages of occult-ish drawings and I hope to achieve that level in my next few tries.

The book is thread-bounded and can withstand a good amount of handling without breaking apart. I must say thread binding a book by hand has a certain charm to it.

Last but not least, the sizing. Here we have my girl Shia, a MSD, holding it.

Overall it has been a really enjoyable project and it has been a while that I managed to finish a prop in a few days and with minimum material.

Thank you for reading !