Tuesday 2 August 2011

Project : Original Variant - Raising Heart Force Halberd form (Further WIP+Mistake)

Everybody has their fair share of hit or miss, in this post I will be showing a mistake I made and how I improvise the prop on the mistake. I will also be touching a bit on how I glue the base shape together.

Here we go !

A simple enough process, I personally find sticking pieces of gunpla strips together is one of the harder things to do. While other mistakes could be easily rectify via sanding or using compound putty to cover over, the mistake of sticking gunpla strips pressured unevenly together and causing it to wrap sideways is almost impossible to recover from. After experimenting with various ways to maintain constant pressure during the process, the above picture is my way of doing it. I'm not sure if it is documented anywhere but hey, if it works I'm going to keep using it till I come across a better way.

The result of oversanding, I had to cut off the entire section and redo the tip. Mistake made but recoverable. One needs to be flexible and creative in recovering from mistakes rather than redoing the entire project and usually there are ways to do so.

A close up shot of the repaired blade tip compared against a traditional shaped katana tip. My tips are usually shaped in the temper patterns of yakitsume or o-maru as they are the easiest ones to reproduce.

A shot of Shia holding the WIP halberd. Not a great shot but demonstrates the prop potential in poses. 

Thank you for viewing !